Projectory News

The latest news about Projectory:

  • Projectory 2.0 Is Coming... (Mar 8, 2004)
    The development team is hard at work on the next version of Projectory, which is expected to be completed in late April. Projectory is the premiere open-source, platform-independent project management solution, used in software development groups worldwide. With the 2.0 release, users will enjoy a number of significant improvements to the application, including:

    • 40% increase in the speed and responsiveness of the application
    • Improved usability through a completely redesigned user interface, built on a soon-to-be-released web application framework.
    • Greater flexibility in configuration and customization
    • More project metrics, including developer profiles, new reports, and graphing capabilities

    The release will also incorporate fixes to issues identified by early adopters of the 1.0 version.

  • Projectory Team Now Accepting Donations. (Feb. 17, 2004)
    The Projectory development team is now accepting donations via SourceForge. Your donation goes toward making sure that the team can spend the time and energy necessary to keep improving Projectory to better meet your needs. 10% of all donations automatically go to support the Electronic Frontier Foundation. For details, please see the SourceForge donation page.

  • Projectory 1.0 has been released! (Feb 10, 2004)
    The first public release of Projectory for Windows and UNIX was made available on February 9, 2003. You can download it from SourceForge, or see the download page for an alternate download location.

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